womb magic: hormones + subliminal DM’s

Image: The Goddess as Mother by Liba W. Stambollion

wait, how do these two connect?...

walk your eyes over these words and I'll show you what I've found on the trail of hormones. it's not "the" vista point but its definitely a turning point.

in my natural fashion, I became obsessed. A beckoning from inside of my body, asking me to dig deeper.

I was dealing with some health issues & learned that it was connected to my hormones. I was approaching my 40's and noticing that 2 years prior, subtle shifts were occurring. Hair loss, fatigue, joint issues, digestive problems, skin issues etc...

but actually what I want to hone in is not so much the physical things that have changed but rather, the heart unfurling realization that my womb was beckoning me to recognize the eternal compass within.

This compass wanted to guide me to some ancient medicine and wisdom. Physical, emotional, ancestral, mental, spiritual medicine & wisdom. This compass wanted to remind me to reverently embrace, the creative power that resides within me. The power that brings the formless into form.

And as I continue to decode the subliminal messages spoken through my hormones, I have been brought to a primordial palace of remembering my organic nature of pleasure and divinity. A palace of my own creative magic and embodied wisdom. 

A palace that restores my health and delivers to me amplified intuition, consistent access to creative inspiration, grounding in self worth and a custom made internal calendar which mirrors the seasons of nature and the cycles of the moon.

I am so glad I get to experience this. So glad that my hormones sent messages from beyond. So glad that this eternal compass continues to guide me. 

For this, I know I will never be led astray.


Musings from my 12th house transits


every emotion has a masked role in the pantheon of experience. scorpio eclipse field notes.