Musings from my 12th house transits
Artwork by yours truly
☊ ☉☽☿♀♂♃♄♅♆♇
i am the halo around the moon
the coded flares of the sun
the telepathic messages of mercury
the harmonic beauty of venus
the medicinal frequency of chiron
the primal embodiment of lilith
the eternal flame of vesta
the fierce nurturance of ceres
the sheer force of mars
the expansive wisdom of jupiter
the grounded commitment of juno
the protective rings of saturn
the electric awakening of uranus
the cymatic receptivity of neptune
the alchemical ether of pluto
a story has been written in the stars of my cosmic body and i am here to remember it. musings from my 12th house transits.
love, Ayla in Rx