every emotion has a masked role in the pantheon of experience. scorpio eclipse field notes.

image: Mumu-SF

every emotion has a masked role in the pantheon of experience. even the underneath emotions that dwell well beyond our comforts. even the wordless emotions that send their signals from the landscape of the body.

i invite us on a walk towards the liminal, with our inside eyes open and peering through the veils that hang over emotional realism. 

When did you shroud your truth? when did you gaslight or dismiss your soul desires and mask it as a enemy? who taught you to do that? when did you trade a prefabricated idea of self because you did not feel safe to be you? when did you push away grief and attempt to negotiation with its time frame and impact?

how long can we evade the deep hurts and pawn it off as something else or someone elses doing? maybe the hurts can serve as a compass to the pattens that keep us unconsciously addicted to the inherited wounds that those before us did not know how to be present with.

these buried signals have burrowed themselves in our psyche, living as archetypes that underscore our emotional expressions or (lack thereof). 

so as the cosmos would play it, gravity brings us to the doorway of the scorpio solar eclipse. here in the basement, the forgotten and unacknowledged ones are being summoned. they invite us to get real with the false pretenses of power plays. 

if we strip down to our truth, can we bear the immensity of what we are made of? 

certainly this is a growing edge, to go full monty  & unarmored towards what has hurt us and invite them to sit at our table and ask them to speak their truth. can we take ownership and see how and where we have stung and been stung, have obsessed and been obsessed with? can we own up to what we have manipulated and deceived, all because we didn’t understand the true currency of trust and what it could afford us. will we call forth our inner archeologist and do this psychic dig. and with whatever is pulled up, can you face it and reclaim it? 

will you take it to the compost and allow it to birth something new? will you allow compassion, forgiveness and  pleasure bring you into homeostasis? with venus playing a crucial role in this current solar eclipse dance - we are invited to welcome the discomforts of the discarded self worth and pierce it with unwavering knowing that what lives inside is the nectar of fortitude. 


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