Spiritual & Intuitive Development Mentorship

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready... The teacher will Disappear.”

―Tao Te Ching

Is This You?

  • Ready to unpack the societal and personal conditioning that has dulled your intuitive wisdom

  • Ready to listen deeply and confidently to how Spirit expresses through you 

  • Ready to uncover and clear the inner barriers that block your inner knowing & connection to Spirit

  • Ready to move beyond the surface-level trends of pop spirituality

  • Ready to incorporate spiritual practices into your daily routine

  • Ready to explore what is means for YOU to show up as your true, authentic self

  • Ready to learn from a mentor who won’t hand you the answers but will support your process of trusting how they emerge for you

Some of the tools I work with

  • 01.

    // divination/oracular consciousness (astrology, tarot, oracle, human design)

  • 02.

    // energy healing, psychic development, energetic protection

  • 03.

    // ancestral connection, elemental connection, diety connection

  • 04.

    // somatic & nervous system awareness, yogic practices

What is shared in this space is specifically for you and we will revolve around specifics themes, such as, and not limited to:

  • Intuition, Sovereignty, Integrity & Energy Literacy

  • The Subconscious and Symbolic Realm

  • Divination, Ritual and Oracular Consciousness

  • Communing with Allies & Archetypes, Dieities & the Elements

By the end of our journey together my hope is you will:

  • be in deeper connection to your sovereignty & intuition

  • make aligned choices and/or have tools to access alignment moment to moment

  • understand the language of energy

  • be a responsible steward of your gifts

  • connect to the wisdom of the natural world, your healed ancestors, guides, allies (your spirit team)

  • respect the interconnected web that weaves All of Life together

  • center integrity and compassion

  • honor the practices and techniques that we cultivated together

My Mentorship Ethos is as follows:

  • The body is a wise oracle. We must go beyond concepts and integrate the teachings into the body, understand our nervous system and have awareness of how intuition impacts of somatic experience.

  • A call to decondition the internalized and condition beliefs that have emerged from the harms of colonization. A deepening into our role in healing/remembering our ancestral lineage.

  • You will transform in this mentorship. You will learn how to honor the natural occurrence of alchemy in all things and partner with your own alchemical process.ext goes here

  • We live in seasons and cycles, if you are a woman, you’ve also experienced inner cycles through menstruation. In knowing the cycles and seasons you are in, you will discover the best times to create, rest, execute, plan etc..

  • This means holding reverence for the work we are doing. Acknowledging the divinity that is part of our relationship together. We will also engage in various rituals together and separately.

  • We will welcome parts that have been pushed aside, lost, taken and forgotten as medicine keepers. We will celebrate their homecoming. We will honor who you are.


  • Duration of a minimum of 6months meeting 1/x month for about 1.5 hours (virtual and/or in person)

    In-between session support via Telegram app

  • This work is offered on a sliding scale of $333-$777/session

  • Yes, I offer a limited number of scholarships on a sliding scale of $111-$333

  • YES! I run a few groups a year at a reduced price. If you are interested, please send me note here.

Mentorship testimonial from Lina Aguilar

Intuitive Reader & Shadow Work Coach

Founder of Cycles of Consciousness

“What you are is what you have been, What you will be is what you do now.

― Buddha

If you are finding yourself feeling a resonance with me and are feeling the call to have 1:1 support in your journey towards deeper sovereignty & intuitive integrity, I would like to meet you! Please fill out the form below to get this process started.

Mentorship Form