A Reckoning with the Lioness

artwork by yours truly

The lioness awakes and loyalty is demanded as Lilith finds her domain in Leo on Jan 8th 2023. She will take her seat, royal and dignified, despite the projections of being  the destructive feminine. She will summon her lost parts and children to their rightful kingdom.

Her story of banishment is an archetypal undertone that we all carry. Her demonization across various cultures throughout time has been embedded into the psyche of many people. 

She has been dressed as the destructive dark feminine, the one who does not yield to the masculine and sets to destroy everything man does. She has been cloaked in shame and deemed to be rich in revenge.

Her Babylonian story starts with her being made from the same dirt as her partner, Adam. Mind you, not made from his rib - but of the same ingredients he was made from. 

Her refusal to lay under Adam during sex, was her way of reminding Adam of their equal origin point. Displeased was Adam and she was banished from paradise. 

Here we can see how the defiant and destructive feminine archetype came to life in the patriarchal paradigm  - a narrative that many of us have inherited. 

However the seeds of her true nature remain - as the Dark Mother, Lilith provides a home to the parts of selves we've banished to remain within the status quo. She refuses the constructs that ask us to bend at the will of an authority that disregards our inherent divinity. 

She calls our evicted parts to her and listens to their stories of rejection. She mothers them to their original state of grace and welcomes them to their domain of divinity.

With Lilith in Leo until Oct 2023 - she will call out toxic love patterns and ask we become brave ambassadors of our hearts truth and creative expressions. She will ask us to own our magnetism, to shine in all our special and unique ways, to stand out from the crowd and to cheer others along as they come into their glow. 

There will be a primal current of raw energy moving through the house that Leo rules in your chart. And I invite you to gently move towards uncovering any shame and rejection that lives in that part of your chart and bring them to Lilith. 

She will offer the steady warmth of the Leo fire and restore these parts to a state of brilliance. 

May these parts courageously dance with the rays of the Sun, allowing the world to behold them in their highest of glory. You deserve it.

Shine brillant babes✨✨✨

Image: Kleiner, Lilith by the Red Sea, woodcut on hand-made paper from sea weed




Musings from my 12th house transits