Initiation is carved deep into the bones of our memory. A sacred aspect of who we are. It brings us to the door of our internal medicine. It reveals our reach and range to meet the truth of our soul. 

Initiation is not a process that we can study through text. It is a process that demands our deep attention, willingness to strip the masks we wear and to lay our fears down onto the altar of change. 

Initiation requires our unyielded embodiment and asks us to turn towards the pain and let it work for us instead of against us.  

Initiation into the underworld of the soul can be brought on by sudden death, dissolvement of long standing relationships, deep enduring abuse, the fear of not having basic needs met such as food and shelter, being shamed or disowned by family & friends, unexpected illness etc…

I speak of these things in particular because in some shape or form, I went through each of those thresholds. And within those thresholds I made contact with intimate parts of my psyche that were keepers of medicine and survival.

These thresholds have also brought me to the edges of un-languageable places that feel like the fabric of eternity. Places that ones before me have prayed inside of. Places where identities go to compost and renew in the circle of life.

These places are where dreams survive & where the natural world proves that something greater is in motion. 

This place is where soul resurrection occurs.

There was a period in my life where I felt an incredible need to assign meaning and definition. To make things digestible and relatable.  I felt I needed to define myself and write my story according to some standardized lingo. But now I know that those attempts have contributed to my anxieties and movement away from accepting myself

The shapes that I have found in being myself is quite undefinable. When Im real with myself, there is a mystery to my movement. And I am devoted to being lucid, fully awake in this mystery that our society attempts to define. This is where I look to the artists as the wayshowers.

It may sound that I am glorifying the mystery of the un-languageable.  

What I am actually doing is creating the invitation to listen a little longer to the undefinable part of your nature before rushing to define your being according to an external pressure to do so.

And yes I also invite you to extend yourself outward, when it is that time in your initiation, to express the material that informs your existence. 

May we honor the threshold of changes we encounter. And may we remember that emergence is our birthright.


A Reckoning with the Lioness