The Sound of Scorpio
artwork by yours truly
I wrote this as the Sun moves out of Scorpio. Consider this my Scorpio season reflection…
The celestial bodies shifting above have hummed their influence into our consciousness for ages infinite…
However instead of a hum, Scorpio’s sound begins as silence…
It is the kind of silence that swallows, that beckons, that waits in the stillness beneath what we think we know. As darkness sinks deeper into the psychic terrain, the silence transforms—a low, magnetic pull drawing me toward what I have hidden, even from myself.
“Do you really want to keep doing that, in that way?” Scorpio asks me, the question cutting through my self-illusions like a blade.
The answers that emerge are raw, startling in their clarity. They reveal the places where I have traded my truth for the unstable scaffolding of control.
And so I respond:” No, I don’t want to keep doing it that way.”
But Scorpio’s descent into the depths makes it impossible to orient myself. I am lost in a swirling void, swallowed by mystery. The usual signposts are gone. I cannot name what I feel—only that I feel it within the center of my bones.
In the darkness, Scorpio offers me a revelation: the only power worth claiming is the one that bears the name Surrender.
Surrender is no soft thing—it demands the ferocity to unmake yourself, to shed the skin of what was. In the threshold between who I have been and who I might become, I wrestle with the truth of it. My final attempts to birth myself back into the world of the living falter—until I let go.
It is there, in the space beyond resistance, that I find the deepest truth. My fears, the ones I thought would consume me, have always been thresholds. They are guardians standing watch at the gates of transformation, asking only that I meet them with willingness to let it go...
And what waits at the threshold?
The Ancestors of Holy Reclamation. The Ancestors Who Hold Power Not Forged by Dominance, but by Trust
—trust in the Mystery that birthed us, that cradles us, that loves us unconditionally, even in the dark.
Scorpio does not abandon us to the void; it shows us how to surrender to it. And in that surrender, we find that the Mystery has been here all along—pulling us not into destruction, but into the quiet alchemy of Becoming…again.