between dreams there is space to harvest the seeds of service

Artwork: Davis Ayer

I posted on my IG a somewhat intellectual poetical interpretation on #piscesseason..

"Moving from the Universal Mind (Aquarius) we are now swimming in the Collective Unconscious (Pisces): dreamtime, imagination, faith, dissolvement and compassion are emphasized. Release work, forgiveness practices and dreamscaping are called front and center. For some it will be a breeze. Others may feel confused or the need to escape. It's mergy energy, fantasy inducing. Intoxicating and exhausting. It's a season of feeling all the feels. Swimming in the ocean of dreams. Finding the magic (and acceptance) in being sensitive and boundless. It's trusting that some force is lovingly supporting us, while simultaneously discovering we ARE that force. We are the ingredients that mysteriously connects us to everything.

We are the dream. We are the waking state. We are the in-between. We are everything."

Take a look at your chart. Wherever Pisces lands, this is where you experience some of the most spectacular energies of inspiration and the most fantasy inducing (often confusing) ones as well.

Which is why it's kinda amazing that Virgo is it's polar opposite sign. Virgo energy grounds the ethereal into the earth realm.

Virgo/Pisces lives on the "axis of service" - both signs connects to the whole of humanity through service. How they go about it is where they differ.


to invoke magic